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Improving Cognitive Impairment

Mind Games

How to Develop a Powerful Memory you'll Never Forget

Wake Up to a Powerful Memory 

You and your patients can wake up to a powerful memory once you discover the relationship between sleep, stress, cortisol and your ability to store and access information. In addition to learning how to improve sleep habits, decrease stress and increase focus, this seminar also includes the four basic principles for improving memory as well as tips for overcoming absent-mindedness. As a bonus we will also reveal how humor techniques can improve memory retention.


Audience Participation Makes These Programs Easy to Remember

What's on and in Your Mind? Explore the Anatomy and Pharmacology of the Brain and It's Influence on Behavior, Prion Disease, ALS Patients, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Patients and Addictive Personalities. 

(Includes Information on APOE4 and Cerebrovascular Disease)

Did you ever wonder why some people are more empathetic than others? Did you ever ponder how some people are easy to get along with while others become riled very easily? This one hour program will delve into the mysteries of the brain. You will be fascinated to learn what happens in the brains of, ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients. Understand how addictions can sneak up on us and control our behavior, discover how memories are stored and retrieved more easily when you are emotionally interested in a subject. Understand how some people have to have things go exactly their way or they become frustrated. You will even explore what happens to our brains when we are sleeping. The brain! It's something to think about.


Understanding the Brain So You Can Understand Your Patients

What's on and in Your Mind? It's Important to Understand the Inner Workings of the Brain for Families to Get Along With Each Other

Did you ever wonder why some people are more empathetic than others? Did you ever ponder how some people are easy to get along with while others become riled very easily? This one hour program will delve into the mysteries of the brain. Understand how addictions can sneak up on us and control our behavior, discover how memories are stored and retrieved more easily when you are emotionally interested in a subject. Understand how some people have to have things go exactly their way or they become frustrated. Discover the mysteries of the traumatized brain. You will even explore what happens to our brains when we are sleeping. The brain! It's something to think about.


What's on and in Your Mind? Explore the Anatomy and Pharmacology of the Brain and it's Influence on Spending, Drug Abuse and Addictive Personalities

Did you ever wonder why some people can handle money effortlessly while others are constantly in a losing battle? Did you ever wonder why some people are easily addicted to nicotine, alcohol, Oxycontin and methamphetamine or even food? You might even be close friends or related to someone who becomes overcome with “shoppers high”. This one hour program will delve into the mysteries of the brain. Understand how spending and addictions can sneak up on us and control our behavior. Discover how learning about the inner workings of the brain can help us understand our own spending and investing behavior and how we all can become financially independent. Understand how the the brain attempts to control our ability for cravings. Spend more time learning about why we do what we do while the audience becomes the chemicals of the brain. It's difficult to forget the names and actions of the chemicals in your brain when you can relate them to Sally or Mike on the front row.


Strategic Design and Creative Thinking To Improve the Art of Caring 

In order to improve the art of caring, health care professionals must have complete empathy for their patients. We must have complete empathy, not just sympathy!  Only when we viscerally feel what our patients are feeling can we truly care for them and ensure that our decisions are based on our patients quality of care. The following two seminars on Strategic Thinking and Creative Thinking will give us the tools to change the art of caring into the science of caring. You can only improve the art of caring when you have learned how to reframe difficult problems through empathy.


Why We Care and How to Keep Care Sustainable

Caring for others is one of the best gifts we can give. When we listen to others and hear what they need, instead of giving them what we think they need, we both win. Genuinely caring for others not only helps them, but helps us, as well. Caregiving can be stressful but the more we care the easier it is on the caregiver and the patient. When giving and caring are harmonious and appreciated, the caregiver can thrive. When caregivers begin to feel burdened by their position, both patient and caregiver are affected by this.This program will dig deeply into the positive and negative aspects of caregiving. We will cover the beauty of caregiving as well as the frustration and discuss how to overcome negative feelings. We will also discuss how to care for the caregiver so that this important process can become sustainable over time.


Difficult Problems and How to Use Critical Thinking to Collaborate and Develop Solutions to These Complex Problems 

Did you notice that making decisions is is not as easy as it once was? In the past you would whip up a few solutions to just about any problem and you would be on to your next task. The last few years you may have realized that society is becoming more complex and solutions to problems are not that easy to solve. You also may have realized that solutions to problems also lead to unintended consequences which make your situation worse than it originally was. I have good news for you. You are not alone in this thinking. Just ask a few friends or associates and you will find that they are running into the same realization that simple solutions are not capable of tackling todays complex problems. This program will deliver a clear path to understanding how to confront todays complex and intertwined problems. You will learn how to approach problems that you have to solve on your own or within a group setting.


Make The Joint Commission Happy!

Improving Patient Safety by Controlling Medical Professionals Emotions, Developing Creative Solutions, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Developing Resilience and Learning How to Control the Amygdala (Emotional Section of the Brain)


Preventing Medical Errors and Improving Patient Safety

  •   Develop strategies for preventing medication errors

  •   Discover how to change from a state of depression & anxiety to one of calm productivity & focus 

  •   Sharpen your memory and stay focused on patients  R

  •   Reduce medical errors by improving work relations and office harmony

  •  Practice effective sleep techniques, taking care of yourself and resilience, which would result in increased vigilance

  •  Understand brain chemistry and explore which sections of the brain increase vigilance and which are responsible for

        increasing medical errors                                                                                   

  • Discover the myth behind and the dangers of multi-tasking

  •  Learn how to juggle a demanding work schedule while learning how to refocus when confronted with multiple demands and stimuli


We could then finish off with the following:


 A. The most effective time to brainstorm ideas for reducing patient errors           

 B. How to approach your department so no one feels defensive and are receptive to change                                                  C. How to utilize creativity and brainstorming techniques for determining what could go wrong and what needs to be  

      done to prevent mistakes

 D. Checklists and how the order of certain procedures can reduce the risk of medical errors

    - A quick example is found in the financial industry: If customers at an automated teller machine receive their bank card

      first and then receive their money there is a reduced risk that they will forget their card than if they receive their money      first       

     -  Another example would be linking what definitely will get done  with what usually gets forgotten. If staff is continually           forgetting a procedure, link what they normally forget to what is considered routine

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