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Ethics & the Brain
Creating an Ethical Workplace and Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit 

Ethics and the Brain:

Interviewing Techniques for Detecting Lying

Discover the Inner Workings of the Brain in Someone Who Commits Fraud and How to Detect When They are Lying 

Were you ever curious to know what goes inside the head of someone who commits fraud? Just like everything else in life, it is much easier to fix a problem if you know what is causing that problem. This program will explore the inner reaches of the brain as we discover why normally honest, hard working people slide into the world of illegal activity. We will also discover how our own brain functions and how to decrease our stress and increase our focus for improved productivity throughout the day. In addition to understanding what goes on inside the brain of someone that commits fraud we will also learn how to read the signs of someone who is lying. 


Fight Back Against Financial Exploitation of the Elderly

Financial exploitation of the elderly occurs in many forms. From the Bernie Madoffs of the world who con the elderly who are trying to invest their money to telephone and mail fraud and also contractors who take their money and run. It is time to protect the elderly and give them the tools necessary to invest wisely and to know what and who to look out for every time the phone rings, there is a knock on the door or they receive a prize package in the mail telling them they just hit the next jackpot or lottery. Financial Institutions can help by becoming aware of the signs that might indicate your client is in the process of being scammed.


Accountability and the Brain

Discover the Inner Workings of the Brain in Someone Who is Not Accountable and How to Detect When They Are Lying

Were you ever curious to know what goes inside the head of someone who is not accountable? Just like everything else in life, it is much easier to fix a problem if you know what is causing that problem. This program will explore the inner reaches of the brain as we discover why normally honest, hard working people who start out wanting to do the right thing never seem to accomplish what they have set out to do. We will also learn how to redirect them toward success and accountability. 

In addition to understanding what goes on inside the brain of someone who never seems accountable we will also learn how to read the signs of someone who is lying.

We conclude this program by discovering how how to decrease stress and increase focus for improved productivity throughout the day.


How to Thrive in a World of Change 

Change is inevitable so eventually we will all learn to adapt. The question you have to ask yourself is, “am I an early adopter or a laggard”?If you are an early adopter you will be leading the pack. If you are a laggard you will feel as if you are being dragged along. The efficient way to become an early adopter and thrive in a world of change is to develop a growth vs a fixed mindset. A person with a fixed mind set asks, “what is wrong with the world” while a person with a growth mind set asks, “how can I improve upon this situation”? The last question you have to ask yourself is," which mindset will I need to thrive in a world of change?". That question should be easy to answer.


Improve Employee Morale 

Motivation, Strategic Thinking and Ownership

This uplifting and motivational program will have you laughing and learning while you develop techniques for getting employees excited about their work and developing a culture where change is not only accepted but something to look forward to. In addition to learning how to think strategically, you and your employees will practice how to think creatively. The old concept of “thinking out of the box” is difficult to incorporate because it does not give the listener a path on how to incorporate creativity into their thinking. By learning the techniques that chief executive officers, entrepreneurs, marketers and believe it or not even stand up comedians use, you and your staff will be able to incorporate creative thinking into every aspect of your day.   


In order to have employees develop an entrepreneurial attitude at work it is important for them to have a sense of ownership. This is where the concept of fixed and growth mind set come in to play. A fixed mind set blames the rest of the world while a growth mind set realizes that the power to change is inside us all.


Money Management and Behavioral Economics for Investing for the Future

Applied Behavioral

The History of the Stock Market and How to Minimize Risk

Tips for Having Your Clients Stay the Course by Appreciating the Benefits of Bear and Bull Markets

Did you ever notice your clients eyes glaze over when you discuss asset allocation? To a fearful investor this concept has all the meaning of a cliche'. In order for clients to feel confident being in the market, they have to understand the history of market fluctuations with examples of how to minimize risk. This program will give you the tools necessary to calm your investors fears during bear markets and turbulent headlines.


Behavioral Economics and the Three Best Ways to Motivate Yourself to Save and Invest for the Future

Buy high, sell low. What would ever convince us to design such an investment scheme? Don’t blame it on the pre-frontal cortex, the section of the brain responsible for logical investing. Surprisingly it’s the amygdala, the emotional section of the brain, which is one of the reasons why a majority of novice and even a few “seasoned” investors seem to consistently come up short. Discover how the amygdala constantly interferes with investor logic and profit. Learn about the amygdala so it no longer has power over you and can no longer interfere with intelligent investment decisions.


Overcoming Affluenza

What's on and in Your Mind? Explore the Anatomy and Pharmacology of the Brain and it's Influence on Spending and Addictive Personalities 

Did you ever wonder why some people can handle money effortlessly while others are constantly in a losing battle? You might even be close friends or related to someone who becomes overcome with “shoppers high”. This one hour program will delve into the mysteries of the brain. Understand how spending addictions can sneak up on us and control our behavior. Discover how learning about the inner workings of the brain can help us understand our own spending and investing behavior and how we all can become financially independent. The brain and money! Spend more time learning about why we do what we do. 


How to Use Critical Thinking to Collaborate and Develop Solutions to Complex Problems

Solving Complex Problems With Strategic and Design Thinking

Did you notice that making decisions is is not as easy as it once was? In the past you would whip up a few solutions to just about any problem and you would be on to your next task. The last few years you may have realized that society is becoming more complex and solutions to problems are not that easy to solve. You also may have realized that solutions to problems also lead to unintended consequences which make your situation worse than it originally was. I have good news for you. You are not alone in this thinking. Just ask a few friends or associates and you will find that they are running into the same realization that simple solutions are not capable of tackling todays complex problems. This program will deliver a clear path to understanding how to confront todays complex and intertwined problems. You will learn how to approach problems that you have to solve on your own or within a group setting.


Decision Making, Team Work and Leadership  

Improving Productivity with Three Quick Steps to Creative Problem Solving 

From Conflict to Cooperation ...How to Mediate a Dispute

What do heads of companies, comedy writers, advertising executives, medical professionals, certified fraud examiners and customers and parents have in common? Creative problem solving! When used correctly the same techniques used to reduce conflict resolution, run a company, improve sales, write a joke, launch an ad campaign, problem solve, think beyond the ordinary and raise a family are very similar. In addition to learning these three techniques that will give you the ability to invent solutions to personal and corporate problems, you will also learn the techniques of parallel thinking. With parallel thinking you will no longer have to argue in the board room or the family room. Parallel thinking will lead you to solving problems together and uniting to arrive at mutually beneficial solutions.


Getting Along with Difficult People 

There are two types of difficult people we periodically encounter. There is the perpetually difficult person and the situationally difficult person. The perpetually difficult person seems to have adjusted to a life of misery and is not shy about sharing their portion of gloom with the rest of the world. The situationally difficult person cannot wait to get back to a life of contentment . as soon as you right their perceived wrong. Understanding that both your perpetually and situationally difficult nemesis are thinking with the emotional section of the brain called the amygdala will help you win them over, so that no matter what the cause of angst and belligerence, victory and understanding will be shared by all. This portion of the seminar will not only explain the physiological makeup of difficult people, but will also describe specific steps to actually change the biochemistry of your object of frustration.

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