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Improving Communication Between Sterile Processing and the Operating Room 1

Improving Communication Between Sterile Processing and the Operating Room

Most employees know how important it is to communicate between departments but are either not aware that there is a problem with communication or are not sure how to fix it. This program will explain how to break down the barriers of poor communication and have sterile processing and the operating room improve communication and begin working toward a common goal. 


In addition to improving communication between departments this program also includes information on getting along with others and utilizing the techniques of strategic and creative thinking as well as using empathy to improve harmony among all employees.


Techniques for Promoting Peace in Your Life and the Lives of Your Patients


Prevent Burn Out, Reduce Stress and Improve Focus While Getting Along with Fellow Employees, Patients and Family Members


If your bills are piling up and your spirits are as low as your 401 K this seminar is for you. Discover how to reduce your stress and increase your focus while learning how to improve your creativity and get along with others at work.


Positive Thoughts Lead to Positive Results 

How to Tune up your Attitude and Prevent your Engine from Burning Out

We create our own reality. Our positive thoughts create our positive feelings and our positive feelings lead to positive behavior. Discover how to recharge your life and send your world into positive territory and achieve the results that have been waiting for you your entire life.


Love your Job! Love your Life!

Discover how to love your job and your life by learning how to communicate with yourself and fellow team members. This one hour program will transform your life by delivering tips on how to use creative thinking to reduce stress, change perspective and improve productivity. Experience how to change from a state of depression and anxiety to one of happiness, hope and productivity; but perhaps most important of all, we will learn about the magical benefits of incorporating humor in our lives.


Behavior Modification ... The Science Behind Motivation ... Discover how to Dream, Believe and Achieve! 

Sure this very funny and uplifting motivational program is packed with information on setting goals and lighting a fire under your passions, but after learning the secrets behind these powerful behavior modification techniques you'll learn how to effortlessly be driven toward your dreams. You should only choose this program if you want to laugh and learn about improving your career, finances, relationships with fellow employees and family members and are interested in developing consistent exercise and nutrition habits. 


Decision Making, Team Work and Leadership  

Improving Productivity with Three Quick Steps to Creative Problem Solving in Long Term Care

From Conflict to Cooperation ...How to Mediate a Dispute

What do heads of companies, comedy writers, advertising executives, health and medical professionals and parents have in common? Creative problem solving! When used correctly the same techniques used to run a company, improve sales, write a joke, launch an ad campaign, get along with others and raise a family are very similar. In addition to learning these three techniques that will give you the ability to invent solutions to personal and corporate problems, you will also learn the techniques of parallel thinking. With parallel thinking you will no longer have to argue in the board room or the family room. Parallel thinking will lead you to solving problems together and uniting to arrive at mutually beneficial solutions.


Getting Along with Difficult People while Learning how to Make Friends with Stress

In order to get along with difficult people we must learn how to center ourselves and stay in a positive emotional frame. Within one hour you will learn how your emotions interfere with critical thinking and how to harness the power of the Pre-frontal cortex for intelligent and creative problem solving. You will also learn how to disarm confrontational behavior and how to turn potential adversaries into respectful partners working toward a common goal. Topping off this seminar will be information on the power of humor and its role in diffusing difficult situations and turning frustrating experiences into humorous dramatization. 


How to Instantly Change from a State of Depression and Anxiety to one of Happiness, Hope and Productivity 

I thought about changing this title until I realized there were no other headings that accurately describe this program. Within 20 minutes you and your patients will discover three techniques that literally make it impossible to not feel elated and motivated to plan and execute your goals.


Humor for the Health of it

Can you think of a better way to invest an hour? How would you like to learn how to discover a fresh perspective on life while learning how to view the world through a comedian’s eye? Would you like to learn how humor can increase creativity, productivity, memory and reduce the incidence of disease? Discover all this and more while you learn how to change from a state of depression and anxiety to one of happiness, hope and productivity. You will also discover how to develop autonomous children and promote positive change. 


The History of the Stock Market and How to Minimize Risk

Did you ever notice your eyes glaze over when your financial advisor talks about asset allocation? To a fearful investor this concept has all the meaning of a cliche. In order for clients to feel confident being in the market, they have to understand the history of market fluctuations with examples of how to minimize risk.


Behavioral Economics and the Three Best Ways to Motivate Yourself to Save and Invest for the Future

Buy high, sell low. What would ever convince us to design such an investment scheme? Don’t blame it on the pre-frontal cortex, the section of the brain responsible for logical investing. Surprisingly it’s the amygdala, the emotional section of the brain, which is one of the reasons why a majority of novice and even a few “seasoned” investors seem to consistently come up short. Discover how the amygdala constantly interferes with investor logic and profit. Learn about the amygdala so it no longer has power over you and can no longer interfere with intelligent investment decisions.





Developing Resilience plus Taking Care of Yourself so you can Take Care of Business

Taking care of yourself means more than setting sail on your annual cruise or lying down to a weekly back massage. In order to truly take care of yourself you have to start with the basics. If you can’t control stress, enjoy a good night sleep, and if you are suffering from back pain, then it doesn’t matter where you where you go or how many times someone releases the tension between your shoulder blades.  If you are rushing around with the same pile of papers on your desk after you close those office doors behind you as when you walked in, if you walk in the supermarket attempting to buy shaving cream and absent-mindedly walk out with whipped cream, then it doesn’t matter how many glasses of wine and double lattes you down as you aspire to achieve daily bliss. To truly take care of yourself you may want to pamper yourself with the following:

  • Discover five stress reduction techniques that will put you in control of your emotions 

  • Learn five sleep techniques that will have you nodding off as soon as your head hits the pillow

  • Prevent/treat low back pain with these seven flexibility and strength training exercises

  • Reduce the risk of injury on the job

  • Take control back in your life with this program on time management

  • Remember important information with these easy to learn memory techniques 


Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Workplace 


How to Thrive in a World of Change 

Change is inevitable so eventually we will all learn to adapt. The question you have to ask yourself is, “am I an early adopter or a laggard”? If you are an early adopter you will be leading the pack. If you are a laggard you will feel as if you are being dragged along. The efficient way to become an early adopter and thrive in a world of change is to develop a growth vs a fixed mindset. A person with a fixed mind set asks, “what is wrong with the world” while a person with a growth mind set asks, “how can I improve upon this situation”? The last question you have to ask yourself is," which mindset will I need to thrive in a world of change?". That question should be easy to answer.


Accountability and the Brain

Discover the Inner Workings of the Brain in Someone Who is Not Accountable and How to Detect When They Are Lying

Were you ever curious to know what goes inside the head of someone who is not accountable? Just like everything else in life, it is much easier to fix a problem if you know what is causing that problem. This program will explore the inner reaches of the brain as we discover why normally honest, hard working people who start out wanting to do the right thing never seem to accomplish what they have set out to do. We will also learn how to redirect them toward success and accountability. 

In addition to understanding what goes on inside the brain of someone who never seems accountable we will also learn how to read the signs of someone who is lying.

We conclude this program by discovering how how to decrease stress and increase focus for improved productivity throughout the day.


Improve Employee Morale 

Motivation, Strategic Thinking and Ownership

This uplifting and motivational program will have you laughing and learning while you develop techniques for getting employees excited about their work and developing a culture where change is not only accepted but something to look forward to. In addition to learning how to think strategically, you and your employees will practice how to think creatively. The old concept of “thinking out of the box” is difficult to incorporate because it does not give the listener a path on how to incorporate creativity into their thinking. By learning the techniques that chief executive officers, entrepreneurs, marketers and believe it or not even stand up comedians use, you and your staff will be able to incorporate creative thinking into every aspect of your day.   


In order to have employees develop an entrepreneurial attitude at work it is important for them to have a sense of ownership. This is where the concept of fixed and growth mind set come in to play. A fixed mind set blames the rest of the world while a growth mind set realizes that the power to change is inside us all.


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