Reduce Health Insurance Premiums While Producing Healthier Employees
Behavior Modification Techniques to Improve Exercise Compliance, Healthy Eating Habits and How to Control a Ravishing Appetite Plus Overcoming Obesity
Tips to improve exercise compliance and improve dietary habits include understanding that it takes approximately 30-60 days to break old habits and 90 days to develop new ones. This topic will discuss how to "stay in the game" long enough to make it to the 90th day. You will also learn about the seven foods that help to control a ravishing appetite and how to time your meals to outwit those hunger pangs. As an option, this course can also include the Nutrition Game Show, Shopping Spree and Restaurant Role Playing. The exercise option includes how to develop your own home gym on a shoe-string budget when you lack time and/or enthusiasm.
Super Foods from around the World
The world is a giant supermarket stocked with super foods that are not only pleasing to the palate but have also been known to improve our health. Take a tour through various countries as we explore the benefits of Wild Salmon in Alaska, Miso Soup in the Orient, beans in Mexico to the benefits of using Curry in India. We will hop a ship to Europe as we discover the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and journey back to America to explore the chemical properties and benefits of everyday foods such as broccoli, oatmeal and whole grains.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Metabolic Syndrome, C-Reactive Protein, Lipoprotein a, Pattern b, Homocysteine, Diabetes and Glycemic Index
It is important to stay current about advances in nutrition and health with limited amounts of free time. This program not only delivers information on the new risk factors of heart disease but also demonstrates memory techniques to store and access this information. This seminar also includes information on fat metabolism and inflammation. Within one hour you will understand the relationship of fat cells to leptin, cortisol, adenopectin, resistin, angiotensin and interleukin 6.
Synergism/How Changing Our Environment can Influence What we Eat, How we Move and How Safely we Maintain our Neighborhoods
No man, woman or child is an island when it comes to improving nutrition and exercise habits. Scientists have now discovered that our health is influenced not just by our physical environment and friends and relatives but also by your friends and relatives contacts as well. That's right. It is now a proven fact that friends of friends, people we have never even met, have an influence on our eating and exercise habits. How could this be? The people you come in contact with on a regular basis are influenced directly by their inner circle. Since your friends actions and behavior is a reflection of contacts you have never met, these "strangers" still have an effect on what you think and do.
Our physical environment also has a direct influence on what we eat, how we move and how safe our neighborhoods are. Learn how to rally your community to change a haphazard physical environment filled with culinary temptations and crime to one that will easily nudge your citizens into ahealthy, fit, well nourished and safe society.
Taking Care of Yourself so You can Take Care of Business
Taking care of yourself means more than setting sail on your annual cruise or lying down to a weekly back massage. In order to truly take care of yourself you have to start with the basics. If you can’t control stress, enjoy a good night's sleep, and if you are suffering from back pain, then it doesn’t matter where you go or how many times someone releases the tension between your shoulder blades. If you are rushing around and stuck with the same pile of papers on your desk that is stealing your precious time, if you walk in the supermarket attempting to buy shaving cream and absent-mindedly walk out with whipped cream, then it doesn’t matter how many glasses of wine and double lattes you down as you aspire to achieve daily bliss. To truly take care of yourself you may want to pamper yourself with the following:
Five stress reduction techniques that will give Dietitians control over their emotions
Five sleep techniques that will have Dietitians nodding off as soon as their heads' hits the pillow
Remember important information with these easy to learn memory techniques
Learn how humor can reduce stress and increase creativity, productivity, memory and reduce the incidence of disease
Prevent/treat low back pain with these seven flexibility and strength training exercises
Take control back in the life of care givers with this program on time management
What's on and in Your Mind? Explore the Anatomy and Pharmacology of the Brain and it's Influence on Behavior and Addictive Personalities
Did you ever wonder why some people are more empathetic than others? Did you ever ponder how some people are easy to get along with while others become riled very easily? This one hour program will delve into the mysteries of the brain. Understand how addictions can sneak up on us and control our behavior, discover how memories are stored and retrieved more easily when you are emotionally interested in a subject. Understand how some people have to have things go exactly their way or they become frustrated. You will even explore what happens to our brains when we are sleeping. The brain! It's something to think about.
Mind Games
How to Develop a Powerful Memory you'll Never Forget
Wake Up to a Powerful Memory
You can wake up to a powerful memory once you discover the relationship between sleep, stress, cortisol and your ability to store and access information. In addition to learning how to improve sleep habits, decrease stress and increase focus, this seminar also includes the four basic principles for improving memory as well as tips for overcoming absent-mindedness. As a bonus we will also reveal how humor techniques can improve memory retention.
Taking Positive Steps to Replace Negative Behavior
Telling staff to discontinue self destructive habits can sometimes result in reinforcing that behavior. Replacing negative behavior with positive can lead to extinguishing old habits effortlessly and permanently.
Getting Along with Difficult People while Learning how to Make Friends with Stress
In order to get along with difficult people we must learn how to center ourselves and stay in a positive emotional frame. Within one hour you will learn how your emotions interfere with critical thinking and how to harness the power of the Pre-frontal cortex for intelligent and creative problem solving. You will also learn how to disarm confrontational behavior and how to turn potential adversaries into respectful partners working toward a common goal. Topping off this seminar will be information on the power of humor and its role in diffusing difficult situations and turning frustrating experiences into humorous dramatization.
Discover the Relationship Between Sleep, Stress, Humor and Hypertension
Getting a good night sleep, reducing stress levels and learning how to laugh at life's frustrations may be just as important as exercise and nutrition in lowering blood pressure. Lack of sleep and high stress levels increase Cortisol, which not only boosts abdominal fat and exacerbates cellular inflammation but also increases blood pressure. Learn about the physiology and biochemistry of sleep, stress and fat metabolism and how you can use stress reduction techniques, sleep techniques, exercise, nutrition tips and humor to help control hypertension.
How Stress, Humor and Therapeutic Exercise can Interfere with the Pain Response
Injury Prevention to Reduce Those Expensive Disability Claims
Learn how therapeutic exercise and proper ergonomic movement can reduce those pesky and expensive disability claims. This topic also includes stress reduction and sleep techniques which will help reduce the risk of injury on the job.
Therapeutic Exercise to the Rescue
What do fibromyalgia, low back pain, tight hamstrings, arthritis and metabolic syndrome have in common? They can all be managed with therapeutic exercise. By learning the type, duration, frequency and intensity of these exercises, you and you're clients will not only learn how to prevent these physical maladies but also learn how to intervene and rehabilitate existing illnesses.
Injury Prevention to Reduce Those Expensive Disability Claims
Learn how therapeutic exercise and proper ergonomic movement can reduce those pesky and expensive disability claims. This topic also includes stress reduction and sleep techniques which will help reduce the risk of injury on the job.