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Fascinating Facts About Burn Out & Stress

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Who coined the term "burn out"?

Q. Who coined the term "burn out"

A. Herbert Freudenberger was a psychologist who practiced on New York's Upper East Side.

In the 1970's he also volunteered and opened a clinic on the Bowery, which is known as

New York's Skid Row. One day he could not get out of bed for three days and knew that

this must be serious. It was more than just depression and exhaustion. He thought about

the drug addicts down on the Bowery with their blank looks as their cigarettes were

literally burning out between their fingers. He then proceeded to call his disease

"burnout". He overcame his own burnout by realizing that he was frustrated and felt like

he didn't make a difference in life. He began his recovery one he felt recogcnized and

respected and found value in what he did and also finding the time to focus on activities

that would bring him pleasure. After a few interviews on Oprah and the Phil Donahue

show the rest is history.

Q. Where did the word stress come from?

A. The term "stress" derives from the Latin word "stringer" which means to draw tight.

Want to learn more fascinating facts about stress?

Stress causes capillaries to close which restricts bleeding in case of a flesh wound. While your body is there for you to take care of the immediate situation of bleeding to death, unfortunately chronic long term stress also decreases needed oxygen to your cells.

Stress also makes the blood thicker to also protect you against that same flesh wound. Unfortunately this also increases the risk of developing blood clots

Pupils dilate during stress and also when you are attracted to someone. It is your body's way of gathering more visual information about a situation. If you find yourself attracted to someone you do not know, avoid gathering too much information with your eyes or this may lead to even more stress

Chronic low level noise and low frequency noise even noise you may not consciously be aware of can increase stress hormones and interfere with learning and also increase blood pressure, degrade the immune system and provoke aggression

Laughing decreases stress hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. Another added benefit to laughter is that laughing makes it nearly impossible to feel anxious or depressed.

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