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Writer's pictureJoel Weintraub

Failure to Success

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Failure to Thrive … Discover How Failure Can be the Catapult to Success

So you failed huh? I know where you're coming from. Look how I ended my first sentence. It's certainly not a sign of success when you are polishing off your sentences and the best word you could come with is huh. See. I did it again. But there is something to say for failure. Sure, success gets all the celebrity and fanfare. But just as darkness needs light, yin needs yang and heaven knows where Heckle would be without Jeckle, failure makes success a star.

Think about it. The road to success means nothing if failure is not along for the ride. Just being born is a success. Somebody once said that millions of sperm are racing toward that single goal called an egg. Out of millions of sperm that were in that race … you won! But after your conceptual victory did you jump and down, walk up to the center podium and wrap yourself in the American flag? Of course not! Besides the obvious reasons, the most pertinent is because you didn't realize the magnitude of this race. If you were thinking at all you might have thought, “what race?” Do you see? There was no sense of accomplishment or success because you weren't aware of the struggle.

Want another example of a shallow victory? Look where you are living? Not on the west coast, not on the east coast, not even in the middle states. I'm talking about the good old U.S.A. Out of the nearly six billion people on this planet you somehow managed to make it here with the rest of us 360 million people. If you look around at the misfortune in this world you have already made it to the 88th percentile of success. But if you were born here or were lucky enough to come over at an early age you may not appreciate the position you are in. Only by overcoming struggle do we appreciate our lot in life. It is not where you are that makes you happy … it is how you got here that tickles you pink.

So, what is there to learn from all this? That failure and success are the twin sisters of happiness. In order to enjoy life and to feel alive we have to realize that failure is not only temporary but it is an important spring board that we should use for reflection that will catapult us to the next level. This should be a lesson for every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our many, personal goals and careers.

Any relationship will work when both people are in agreement and there are no issues to work out. Any business will grow to an extent just by you showing up. However, relationships do not truly thrive, businesses do not prosper and dreams are not truly fulfilled until we learn how to negotiate that first level of resistance and to take our endeavors beyond that plateau. That plateau where the rest of the world is spending most of their time. But by building a ramp to the next level you will not only make it to the next mesa but you will have developed the skills to build your own ladder that will take you over any mountain that life has to offer. Enjoy the climb … and the view!

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